Anxiety Attack - Cause, Cure, & Prevention

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The most likely explanation is genetics. That means that you are genetically predisposed to have anxiety in your life. It usually takes something to trigger your biological predisposition to experience anxiety attacks.

Numerous studies report that a traumatic event in your life can trigger your anxiety. If you are genetically predisposed to anxiety there are three things that increase your chances of having anxiety attacks. They are social psychological stress, substance stress, and physical stress.

Social Psychological Stress

As I said above a traumatic event can trigger your anxiety attacks things like a car accident, the loss of a loved one, the way you were raised by your parents, can all be the trigger that puts you in an anxious state.

This means something or someone contributes to your anxiety and as a result you experience mental conflict. It is the social interactions in your life and how you cope with them that determine whether they become psychological stress that turns into anxiety.

Some social stressors are, high levels of conflict around you, (especially during childhood), a high stress job or your personal relationships. We are all made up of the content of our daily lives and the content of those relations and actions can impact us positively or negatively.

So keep in mind that the environment around you can affect your mood and how you react to people and the things. How you mentally process this information will determine if you will convert it into anxiety or perhaps use it for other means.

Its silly to say but true: "when life gives you lemons make lemonade".

Keep the negative mind-speak out of your mind and concentrate on the positive. You truly are what you think about.

Substance Stress

Everything we consume becomes a part of our body and our bodies are chemical refining factories. The chemicals we consume by eating and breathing can be put to good use such as to give us energy, the ability to ward of sickness, to improve and maintain our bodies and our mind.

On the other hand there are things we consume that have a great negative effect on our body and minds physical health. We know the usual culprits, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, and illegal drugs.

These substances have a great impact on the level of anxiety that you may be feeling. They are inducements to the world of negativity and dependence and ultimately anxiety among a great deal of other bad things they do to our bodies and minds.

All the things we put into are bodies have a great cumulative effect on our nervous system.

You will truly be surprised how much eliminating these chemicals can contribute to getting rid of anxiety.

Physical Stress Factors

Our bodies and the minds reaction to what is happening to it are another way the anxiety can enter your life. You may have gotten a paper cut, this is not a big thing, but remember the moment it happened, the searing pain it caused. Remember the next two or three days when you flexed the skin in that area and how it was sore and it reminded you of the day you cut it?

Well if you suffer from any number of medical conditions it can make you acutely aware of your bodies imperfections and if this is a chronic problem and can lead you self doubt and feeling of anxiety. There are too many illnesses to list them all here but even if you just have high cholesterol, you may have anxiety over such a small and treatable illness.

You now know there re many things to be on the lookout for that can cause anxiety in us. If you want to eliminate anxiety and its causes do something positive and always eliminate the negative from your life.

Tip: When I as going through the darkest period of my life my mind was constantly full of negative thoughts. I knew I had to stop them, so every day I put a rubber band on my wrist and every time I caught myself thinking negatively I would snap the rubber band to remind me to think positive and get rid of anxiety for good.

If you would like more information on how you can Get Rid of Anxiety and Panic Attacks Forever! Go to my website

tania ksiegarnia

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